Mark I, II, III, IV....

Will you make a Mark or a Dummie? Or perhaps bubblegum pink?

K-9 as you know changed ..a Lot.

The back panel from black to silver; how far up or down it was seated in his back, the red on his ears, the black on his noes, his overall paint color and size variations. I will not go into each and everyone. In studies I have found dependencies even in statements given by those who built and maintained the dogs. Sufficed to say the best way is to find the K-9 that mentally says "thats him" to you and create that. Almost every builder alters their build in someway to personalize it to their own ascetic.

I personally favor the original "Invisible Enemy" K-9 in my own design choices. The only major discrepancy is the use of the front end of an old B&W monitor. I bought this even before I started any part of my build thinking wow that looks about the right size for K-9's monitor. Surprisingly enough I found it to be a perfect fit when I finally placed it in my build. I also had the luck of finding a digital picture frame that fit right into the old monitor mount. His is basically a flat screen, but I just love my display.

The only reason I am mentioning this is because as you collect your paints and your odds and ends you will want to keep in mind what your final visual goal is. I personally would just adore to see an out of the box build. Perhaps attach earrings to his ears XD and give add effects that will change him into a her? No matter how close you want to get to the original in the end this dog is going to be for you, enjoy that fact.

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