So now you have decided what to make your build out of. Its time to start collecting parts.
If your really up to the task start collecting for the interior needs as well. Otherwise I suggest taking it step by step and start by figuring out what your outer shell will need.
I expect I will post links in future as to where to obtain most items listed below however I will not add ebay because the items will expire and the links worthless. That said ebay is a great place to locate your needs. So for now consider the parts below and go Hey I can make X with Y!
Eyes - Red Acrylic, perspex, Plexiglas, polycarbonite, a red folder, stained glass, or any other semi transparent red material you can access.
Ears - Lots of choices here including: wire mesh baskets and pen caps from the dollar store to to steel rods and wire mesh. If the interest is there I can elaborate however it should be clear that these although seemingly scary items are not actually something to lose your head over.
Tail - Items ranging for a car antenna to varying sizes of aluminum galvanized rod.
Monitor - Plexi, acrylic, computer monitor, digital picture frame, mini etch-a-sketch. You will have to give this one some planning because what you choose to do will take up space inside your build.
Bumpers - Pipe insulation #1 choice of builders be sure to paint it.
Nose - Aluminum rod, or laser pointer. You may also find common items that will do the trick just fine. Even a painted AAA Battery.
Tail Boot - Pinion boot, steering rack bellows
Control Panel Buttons- Acrylic, Wood, Push Buttons, Something rectangular preferably semi transparent.
Neck -This is widely debated and may products have been used. I personally went with a 5" hose and covered it with a split intake air hose that had the correct look then I sealed it up with black liquid latex.